NHF Blog

Why You Should Measure Your Vitamin D Prior to or During Pregnancy

Why You Should Measure Your Vitamin D Prior to or During Pregnancy

Pregnant women need Vitamin D to maintain proper levels of calcium and phosphorus which is necessary for bone development and protective against significant health complications in pregnancy like miscarriage, preeclampsia, and rickets, a disorder which causes malformation of a baby’s developing bones.

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Optimal Prenatal Supplements

Optimal Prenatal Supplements

Pregnancy is a time of rapid growth for moms and their developing baby and taking a quality prenatal supplement can help reduce the risk for pregnancy problems, birth defects and neurological disorders. As the baby’s brain is among the first organ to develop, having adequate levels of essential vitamins and minerals is the best prevention for brain…

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How to Have a Safer Pregnancy and a Healthier Baby

How to Have a Safer Pregnancy and a Healthier Baby

Preparing for parenthood is a whirlwind experience, but many parents also experience an overload of information as they navigate a new pregnancy. With so much at stake with crucial developmental milestones looming, many parents feel ill prepared and overwhelmed. From selecting the right prenatal vitamins, determining the best diet to support neurodevelopment, and evaluating…

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Why You Should Meet with Your Doctor Before You Become Pregnant

Why You Should Meet with Your Doctor Before You Become Pregnant

A baby’s brain has begun to form before most women know they are pregnant. The first few weeks of pregnancy mark an important time of development and at just four weeks after conception, the foundation of your baby’s brain has already begun. This is why it is vital that prospective moms…

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Free Resource for Expectant Moms: The Healthy Pregnancy Summit

Free Resource for Expectant Moms: The Healthy Pregnancy Summit

Every expectant mom wants the best for her baby, but the journey to motherhood can be daunting. The nine months from conception to cradle are both filled with wonder and fraught with worry. The Healthy Pregnancy Summit is a free resource that offers moms-to-be sage advice from trusted medical practitioners to ensure both mom and baby stay healthy throughout the wild ride…

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Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness

Pregnancy is a season of expecting the unexpected but whether you’re pregnant or trying to conceive, morning sickness is probably something you’ve anticipated. This telltale symptom of pregnancy is both encouraging and unsettling. While no one likes to lose their lunch, morning sickness can be a reassuring sign that a baby is on the way.

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Fertility Evaluations and Treatments

Fertility Evaluations and Treatments

Deciding to start a family is no small feat and fertility problems are more common than many prospective parents realize.  While a fertility problem can be a devastating setback, many fertility issues are treatable with early prevention and detection. From knowing personal risk factors, addressing lifestyle changes to increase fertility and promoting awareness on intervention…

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How to Reduce Your Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

How to Reduce Your Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

The journey of becoming a parent can be filled with wonder and worry. While many first-time parents will attend a parenting course from their hospital or peruse the local library for parenting best-sellers, not everyone is aware of the hidden dangers of toxic chemical exposures within our very own homes. From selecting the safest paint for the nursery to personal care products…

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